The Brethrens of Cluj
Let's have an overview of what happened here during the last Summer. The last Summer campings were a real success this year: we were able to bring to the camps twice more children, teenagers and young people than in previous years. We organised five weeks (series) of campings. These children and young people are now involved in bible study groups, in their churches or home-churches.
We built a new Chapel in Gornesti. The building is already in use, and the church is growing. The Lord blessed the new worker there, Attila Toth, who is involved in church-planting work among Gyspsies as well. Two other new beginnings were started in Fantanele and Balauseri (new churches were planted), the first, founding members were already baptized in the new Chapel of Sangeorgiu de Padure. Here pastor János Tőtős is working.
All the pastors ordained or installed in this area (Mures County) are doing a great job. My work is mostly supervizing their work, helping them in preaching ministry, and administration (buildings). We are very thankful for the fellow workers we have.
I am teaching at Emanuel University - Oradea (Romanian Theological students), Hungarian Baptist Theological Seminary and Hargita Bible School (a two-year weekend school for church workers). I am teaching Old Testament Biblical Theology, Hermeneutics, Homiletics, and Hebrew Exegesis. The Radio broadcasts are developping even more than before. Sándor S. Kelemen (from Bistrita) and Sándor J. Kelemen (from Targu Mures) are also responsible in editing programmes for one Radio.
My wife, Márta is leading the Sunday School Association in our Convention, and is busy to organise the training sessions (basic and advanced) for the Sunday School teachers. New teachers are very much needed in the new churches. Márta is also teaching reagularly in the women's groups of the churches in Mures county.
This weekend I will visit the Brethren Church in Cluj. First, we will have a Youth meeting, this afternoon, and tomorrow morning and evening I am going to preach in the church. I need your support in prayer!
Don't forget to pray for our future as well. Our future is in the Lord's hand.