Full time
I almost said "full steam"... Because this is how we may characterize our ministry during these days.
Last weekend I was in Ukraine, together with Sándor S. Kelemen (pastor in Bistrita). We preached in Uzhgorod on Saturday afternoon, in an upper room of the Baptist Church. Several Hungarians gathered for the meeting:
On the way to Ukraine we took Johanna to Budapest, because she went to Kenya and Tanzania for a mission trip! As I hear, this became a real experience for her...
On Sunday we had the ordination of two Deacons in the mixed Church of Beregovo, Tony and Vadim. The church was full: For the Hungarian brother three Hungarians prayed laying hand on him (the third one is Imre Kőrösi László, a missionary in Mukachevo):
I preached the closing sermon, with translation into Ukrainean:
The presindent of the Baptist Association in Transcarpathia (the "first pastor" as they call him), Ivan Ivanovich Kondor was also there:
We visited the fortress in Munkács, which is an important historical site for the Hungarians:
Today we had our "Work Congress" here, in Pericei. About 240 delegates and guests were present. We had a good fellowship and several hard questions were discussed.
For tomorrow we expect 35 young people from the Hungarian Brethren Church of Cluj. We consider this as a good way to nurture our brotherly love to each other.
Next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we will have a Conference for Families here, when Viorel Iuga, the pastor from Speranta Baptist Church, Arad, will be here. Viorel was my class mate in the Seminary, sitting four years at the same table... Monday we will continue our music study with the children...
Please, pray for blessings from above!