2009. június 11., csütörtök

Pastor's Conference

Last week, immediately after Pentecost I was teaching three days in the Seminary in Oradea. Also, we organized the final exams on OT Theology, OT Exegesis and hopefuly we will have the Homiletics exam next week. In the Szeklerland Bible School the students also had their exam in Homiletics.

Last Sunday we were with the Choir of our church in Gyula, Hungary. Tuesday we had the Executive and Council meeting of our Convention in Zalau. On the following day, Wednesday we had a pastor's conference.

The pastor's conference was organized mainly for finalizing the internal bylaws (guidelines) which is a detailed explanation of the constitution of the baptists in Romania. The first 34 articles were mostly finalized, the other half will be discussed in September. The third, most difficult part will be to make a clear and biblical statement about contemporary christian music, ecumenism, women’s ministry in the church, modest apparel, liberalism in theology and practice, biblical separation, inerrency of the Scriptures, homoszexuality, charismatic practices, using of alcohol, smoking, evolution and abortion...

I say "mostly" finalized 34 articles, because we stumbled at the clarification of the office, and ordination of deacons... Today I read again the passages from the Bible which are teaching about this, and I realized that the Bible makes very clear what is so gloomy and questionable in our constitution and bylaws... :)

Three days, beginning with today, we organize children's clubs at our church. The children visited all the sick people from our church. Tomorrow we will have a practice with the orchestra as well, after they visit other sick people from Varsolt, Aghires and Ipp. Thank you for your prayers!

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Kissé padlóra kerültem és elkeseredtem mára. Ritkán kerülök épp ennyire magam alá, most viszont lelkiismereti kérdéssé vált valami és közel voltam ahhoz, hogy bedobjam a törülközőt... Aztán a mai nap egy-két bátorító levelet kaptam... Többek között Vladimir Pustan testvérem sorait: "...iar de omorât, te omori nu numai când te arunci în faţa acceleratului, ci şi atunci când nu mai ai visuri, idealuri şi lupte. Când nu mai speri... când nu mai plângi şi nu mai râzi..."
Úgyhogy, míg élek, remélek! Álmodok és küzdök eszményeimért!
Olvasok. Gondolkozom. Állást foglalok. Prédikálok. Írok. Élek.