2010. december 4., szombat

Regional elections

Two weeks ago in Bistrita we had the regional elective meeting in the Hungarian Baptist Association of Cluj. We have four associations in the Convention, and this is the smallest one. We had a friendly, bortherly, good fellowship together in Bistrita, where Pál Borzási (Luna de Sus) was elected as president of the Cluj Association, Vilmos Kis-Juhász (Gherla) as vice president, Otto Raina (Turda) as secretary, Lajos Oláh (Huedin/Sancraiu) as treasurer, and S. Sándor Kelemen (Bistrita) as member. From these five, two, Pál Borzási and Vilmos Kis-Juhász will be members in the Council of the Convention, for four years, beginning with 19th March, 2011, when the Congress will ratify their election.

Today we had another elective meeting in Aghires, at this time in the Hungarian Baptist Association of Zalau. This is one of the largest associations we have. Lajos Budai (from Zalau) was reelected as president, I became the vicepresident, dr. József Kovács (Baia Mare) the secretary, Sándor Szűcs (from Satu Mare) as treasurer, and three other members were also elected: Kiss Zoltán (Crasna), István Péter (Sarmasag) and Miklós Módi (Sancraiu Silvaniei). Exept these last two, the other five will be members in the Council of the Convention, beginning with the ratification of the Congress in March.

Among other things it was mentioned that two former leaders retired this year: Tibor Király from Borla and Sándor Bándi from Aghires. More than this, Zoltán Vékás (Satu Mare) recently received the heavenly call: his funeral service was last Saturday. He was fighting with cancer eight years, but during this time he was still serving as pastor in Satu Mare. He was member of the Executive 13 years, and other 7 years member of the Council of the Convention, until now. Please pray for the remained family members in Satu Mare: for Erzsébet, his wife, for Blanka and Benjámin, his children. Formerly two other men of God started their retirement, János Tőtős (Sangeorgiu de Padure), and Miklós Máté (Hunedoara).

There will be more elections next week in Oradea Association and just before Christmas in Szeklerland Association as well. We need your prayers in all these!

May God bless his people, and its leaders!

See here the pictures of the mentioned "retired" Brothers:
Tibor Király:

Sándor Bándi:

Zoltán Vékás:

János tőtős:

and Miklós Máté:

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Hála azért, amit az Úr végzett általuk! Istené minden dicsőség!